Eduardo Kac at Thoma Foundation, Santa Fe


"Cyberbodies", Thoma Foundation, Santa Fe Aug 11, 2017 - Winter 2018 The Art House seasonal exhibition program reveals “Cyberbodies,” a new thematic installation of artworks, with a public reception Friday, August 11, 5-7 p.m. The new installation continues to showcase significant highlights and new acquisitions from the Foundation’s digital art collection, including works of historic importance by Lynn Hershman Leeson, Eduardo Kac, and a collaborative work attributed to Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) by organization members Kenneth Knowlton and Leon Harmon. Combined, the artworks in “Cyberbodies” demonstrate how emerging technologies can extend, distort and disrupt the ways that bodies—especially women’s—are viewed as objects of desire in digital culture. The technologies explored by artists in this focused installation include interactive videodisc and touchscreen, a pre-internet Minitel system, and customized generative software.
