From 03/11/2017 to 04/22/2017

Exhibition - Paris @ Galerie Charlot

Featured Artist

Press Release & Details

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Zaven Paré

Between myth and reality, robots are already our contemporaries. Witness of his time and with his experience of research in robotics, Zaven Paré took part in a unique moment of the history of robotics. His paintings, engravings, drawings and artist's books, displayed for the first time at Galerie Charlot, introduce the illustration of a true adventure related in his recent book L'âge d'or de la robotique japonaise (« The Golden Age of the Japanese robotics ») published by Les belles lettres.

From the Japanese humanoid robots to the man of clay described in the talmudic literature, Zaven Paré's researches converge in this singular quest of the Humankind. Therefore, some of his works will be displayed in the exhibition « Golem ! » at the Museum of Jewish art and history in Paris.

In this third exhibition at Galerie Charlot, his paintings are displayed as a counterpoint of some of its incongruous machines. The latter, with which some of us are now familiar, are some kind of poetic approximations of a future where art and technologies mingle. Zaven Paré shares his artistic universe mixing ludic videos, critical objects and installations made of metal, plastic and cardboard, all created for our delight.


by Zaven Paré

Electronic installation
Metal, plastic, electronics
Unique piece

Danger, will Robinson !

by Zaven Paré

Oil painting on canevas
Unique piece
150 x 200 cm

Golems and Robots 6

by Zaven Paré

Ink on japanese print paper
Unique piece
25 x 17 cm

Golems and Robots 4

by Zaven Paré

Ink on japanese print paper
Unique piece
25 x 17 cm

Golems and Robots 7

by Zaven Paré

Ink on Japanese print paper
Unique piece
25 x 17 cm

Robots looking towards the future

by Zaven Paré

Engraving extracted from a portofio of 8 works of art
Linoengraving enhanced with watercolor
28 x 38 cm

Robots regardant le futur

by Zaven Paré

Engraving extracted from a portofio of 8 works of art
Linoengraving enhanced with watercolor
28 x 38 cm


by Zaven Paré

Paranà cardboard mask, electric motor, machinery, chrome-plated screws and lenses
40 x 26 cm


by Zaven Paré

Paranà cardboard mask, electric motor, machinery, chrome-plated screws and lenses
40 x 26 cm


by Zaven Paré

Paranà cardboard mask, electric motor, machinery, chrome-plated screws and lenses
40 x 26 cm


by Zaven Paré

Paranà cardboard mask, electric motor, machinery, chrome-plated screws and lenses
40 x 26 cm

Partition de musique sérielle

by Zaven Paré

8 copies