From 05/04/2023 to 10/28/2023

Featured Artist

Press Release & Details

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Machines have always fascinated us and inspired many artists. Zaven Paré has been exploring the boundaries between technology and art throughout his long and successful career. In his works, he uses a wide array of media, drawing, collage and sculpture, as well as video and performance. In all his artistic creations, we can directly identify his signature, reflecting both the mechanical side of his artwork and whimsical human touch that technology may sometimes have, at least in our perception. The results are vulnerable and fragile artefacts that run against the tide of digital arts and poetically flirt with the idea of failure. The idea of device is clearly the common theme of this exhibition, and we will discover many different facets of them, sometimes more directly, sometimes less. While we see them right in front of us in drawings and objects that reveal their nature at second sight. Shown here for the first time in Tel Aviv, Zaven’s works are already gone by, leaving us with a strange impression of both déjà-vu and things-to-come, oscillating somewhere between a recent past and an already familiar future

Pièces détachées III

by Zaven Paré

assemblage made withblack plastic parts on plexi

Ispahan I

by Zaven Paré

assemblage made with porcelain and telephone wires on plexiglas